Listening is our greatest asset.

We use data to paint a clear picture of what is so that organizations can see what could be. Through our evaluation services, bridges are built, feedback flows, and effective change happens.

We value:

Guiding clients on journeys of reflection, learning, and growth

While the end results are important, the process of getting there is just as important as the arrival. The journey we go on with our clients is about exploration, learning, empowerment, strategy, awareness, and growth. We excel at research, and we know how to apply it. We also know that the people behind the services and policies are far more important than the numbers. Each organization we work with has a passion for their community, and our people-centered approach catalyzes and materializes these passions. Together, we find powerful ways to move effective change forward.

Support agents for equitable change

We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive, pursue their own well-being, and have access to systems that work for them. We partner with nonprofits, philanthropies, and government entities who provide services and support systems that open these opportunities to all. Through our work, we help strengthen communities, families, and individuals.

Our Primary Focus

Participatory evaluation grounded in authentic engagement with communities ensures that decisions are made with context and peoples’ needs are met. Our clients learn both about and from the communities they serve, shifting the relationship from “what can we do for you?” to “what can we do together?” — a change that creates better services and potential for impact. We are dedicated to gathering these experiences and pairing them with quantitative data, allowing our clients to be truly responsive to their constituents.


We work with nonprofits to change the world for the better — backed by data and grounded in community.


We work with government entities to fulfill their data needs, foster collaboration, and plan for the future.


We work with foundations to bring their values and missions to life in data and collaboration.